Ages & Stages Questionnaire: Screening young children is an effective, efficient way to check a child’s development. You can celebrate your child’s milestones and know what to look for next. It’s also an essential first step toward identifying children with delays or disorders in the critical early years.
Parents and caregivers are the best source of information on their child. Completing both the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 shares the ‘big picture’ on how a child is developing!
Baby and You: Parenting or expecting a baby can bring some challenges as well as joys! Come share your journey at our virtual or in-person group. This is a time for meeting other families, sharing of community resources, early learning activities, and topics relating to raising infants. Guest speakers are invited to join us for most sessions to share information about different topics…let us know about any topics that are of interest to you! Best suited for: pregnant and newly parenting caregivers of infants
Circle of Security: The Circle of Security is a visual model that helps caregivers understand and respond to children’s attachment needs, fostering secure relationships that support emotional regulation, social competence, and resilience. It emphasizes the importance of caregivers reflecting on their relationship capacities rather than focusing solely on behavior management.
Infant Massage: We invite you and your infant to join us to learn about infant massage. Infant massage is incredibly beneficial to both baby and caregiver as it encourages bonding, body awareness, promotes relaxation and sleep, and so much more. Participants will have the opportunity to slow down and connect with their infant in a calm setting and try their hand at massage. There will also be the chance for discussion and connection with other caregivers who are also parenting an infant. Best suited for: parents/caregivers & Infants from 1 – 12 months
Bonding Together- Parent and Baby: Bonding Together: Parent and Baby is for parents who are on the journey of breast/chestfeeding and/or supplementing. We recognize that this looks different for everyone and there are rewards and challenges along the way. This program provides a nurturing, engaging environment with opportunities for parents to share their knowledge, experiences, challenges and joys with breast/chestfeeding. Parents are encouraged to provide support to one another and naturally build social connections along the way. The facilitators welcome any questions and will share relevant information and resources each week. This group is facilitated by: an accredited La Leche League Canada Leader, a non-profit organization that provides breast/chestfeeding support, as well as a certified lactation counselor and educator. Best suited for: Pregnant and parenting caregivers of infants/toddlers who are looking for knowledge, support and encouragement with breast/chestfeeding
Health for Two: “Health for Two” is a free program offered by Alberta Health Services for women who need extra support to have a healthy pregnancy. Health for Two (Hf2) provides support throughout pregnancy and up to 2 months postpartum to women who require extra support to have a healthy pregnancy. Services offered include:
- Education on pregnancy, birth, baby care and parenting (including pregnancy and parenting options)
- Support and referrals to community supports (such as maternity care, mental health, addictions, housing, food security)
- Resources may include bus tickets, milk coupons and prenatal vitamins.
Triple P Parenting: The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by more than 35 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behavior and prevent problems developing.
Come Play with Me:
Come play with us at our LaPerle location!
We invite you to come and explore different spaces and materials with us! Children will play and learn with activities specifically designed to encourage their early development and to bring on the fun! A drop-in toddler playgroup for lots of fun!
Best Suited for: Families of children aged 0-3
Come Play with Me in the Community:
We invite families of children aged 0-5 to join us ! This playgroup will encourage positive play-based learning. Children will have opportunities to play and learn with activities specifically designed to encourage their early development and to bring on the fun! Meet families in our community and connect as we come together to play and learn through books, movement, singing, fingerplays and so much more! A drop-in toddler playgroup for lots of fun!
Held at:
North Glenora Community League &
Meadowlark Community League
Stay N’ Play:
We invite you to come and explore different spaces and materials with us at our Cabrini location! Children will play and learn with activities specifically designed to encourage their early development and to bring on fun!
Best Suited for: Families of children aged 0-6
Baby Sing and Sensory:
The first years of a child’s life are an important time for their development. Spend time bonding with your baby and learn how to stimulate all of their senses with puppets, sensory boards and bags, singing, bubbles, and so much more.
We invite you to come and explore different spaces and materials with us! Children will play and learn with activities specifically designed to encourage their early development and to bring on the fun!
Best Suited for: Parents of children aged 0 – 18 mos.
Rhymes That Bind:
This oral language program promotes positive parent/child interaction. Parents and caregivers will enjoy rhymes, finger plays, songs, simple movement games with their infant/toddlers in a supportive group of peers.
Explore language and literacy development from the comfort of your home!
Best suited for: families with children aged 1-4 years (siblings welcome)
Kids and Dads Growing Together:
Being a Parent is a very worthwhile role and tough to do at the same time!
This group offers space and time to play with your child(ren). There will also be time for a Dads sharing group that will support a view of fathering where we;
- Listen to peer’s stories
- Are self-paced
- Take turns discussing different topics
- Recognize each other as vulnerable and strong
Join us Saturday mornings for 6 sessions to look at the influences on our fathering, the balance of looking after ourselves and our families, child development, voicing the fathering role and much more.
*Anyone in a fathering role welcome*
Best suited for: Dads of children aged 0 – 6