What are Loose Parts?

“Loose parts are natural or synthetic found, bought, or upcycled materials that children can move, manipulate, control, and change within their play. Alluring and captivating, they capture children’s curiosity, give free reign to their imagination, and motivate learning.

The hundreds of inspiring photographs showcase an array of loose parts in real early childhood settings. And the overviews of concepts children can learn when using loose parts provide the foundation for incorporating loose parts into your teaching to enhance play and empower children. The possibilities are truly endless.”

Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children (A book by Lisa Daly, Miriam Beloglovsky, Jenna Daly)

Have a look at what we have from last month to share. An engaging and creative work done by one of our participant Minna’s daughters. We happily share their stories with all of you, that they shared with us.

“They made bowls with treats for their Paw Patrol pups and Christmas trees. You can see presents under the Christmas tree… ” shared Minna.

Children’s active engagement and participation in learning is demonstrated through their theory building, creativity, problem solving, playfulness, and imagination.
Learning environments that provide multiple opportunities for children to actively explore ideas and materials, and talk about their ideas with others, offer children experiences to think about their play and learning endeavours and themselves as learners.

Children are active co-constructors of knowledge through first-hand experiences and in reciprocal relationships with people and things in their environment.

Please check our November calendar to register for our Play Learn Connect- Loose Parts Play program. We provide loose parts material kits to registered participants.