Check Out Our Ongoing Services and Resources
Our ongoing services include bread donations, car seat installations, clothing exchange, developmental screening, and the WeCan Food Basket program to support families in need. We also offer valuable resources from local organizations providing assistance in health, child care, and parenting.
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Our Program philosophy

Our Centre follows Flight: Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework for Alberta as a guiding document for our work with children and families. The information contained in this video describes the work educators do and how important FLIGHT is in articulating it. Hear from educators putting the framework into practice. 

Our ELCC program is grounded in the following five, evidence-based beliefs:

  1. Learning through play
  2. The first five years of life are important
  3. Relationships are central
  4. Inclusion of all
  5. An educated workforce of life-long learners

Parent Handbook 2025

What is Flight?

Flight is a curriculum framework intended to guide the significant work of early learning and child care educators with young children (ages 0 – before 6 years) and their families in centre-based child care and family day home settings. This is a flexible framework for thinking about how children learn and experience their worlds, as well as a guide that fosters strong early childhood communities.

Children’s play is central to this curriculum framework as an active, exploratory, creative, expressive process, deeply embedded in children’s everyday experiences and through which children participate in, learn about, and actively make sense of the world.

What is the Purpose of this Framework?

The purpose of this curriculum framework is to:

  1. Articulate a set of holistic play-based goals for children’s learning and care.
  2. Nurture children’s dispositions to learn.
  3. Work with families, building and strengthening early childhood communities, in the care and learning of their children.
  4. Engage educators as co-learners, co-researchers, and co-imaginers of possibilities with high regard for children’s potential.